
The Hostel

Travelling on a budget? We offer dorms and rooms along the beach promenade by the Red Sea. The dorms consists of 8 beds and are gender mixed. Security box. The two bed-rooms are basic. No aircon. 

Prices from 3 euros to 15 euros. 

The Hotel 

Looking for somewhere to sleep when you´re not out creating new memories? Our mid-tange option, located by the beach promenade with view of the Red Sea might be the right option for you.  Breakfast available. 

Oriental style

This hotel has been designed in an oriental style with beautiful domeshaped guest rooms. In the perfect location, the swimming pool is situated on the main seafront of Dahab and offers beautiful, unrestricted views across the Gulf of Aqaba. Breakfast included.

Want to know more? Check out our prices or gallery! 

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